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Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.
What is Basteon?
Basteon is a SaaS platform that automates the completion of incoming security questionnaires. With Basteon, questionnaires that typically took weeks can now be reliably completed in just minutes, enhancing efficiency and accelerating deal closures.
Do you use my data to train a Language Model (LLM)?
No, we do not use your data to train a Language Model (LLM). We prioritize user privacy and data security. Your data is not utilized for training our Language Model.
Are you compliant with GDPR?
Yes, we are fully compliant with GDPR/DSGVO as an Austria-based company. We prioritize security and data privacy, deleting all your data upon request.
How are plans billed?
All plans are billed annually. We ensure that our pricing aligns with the value we provide.

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